We all want to find fulfillment, be blessed, have a little joy. There's many ways to make that happen, even for pessimists like me. Encouraging others is a sure-fire way to achieve a little happiness. Show a little kindness and you'll receive a bigger blessing than you gave!
I don't consider myself much of an encourager, even though I manage from time to time. I'm working on that. :-)
Thankfully, I have a wonderful group of encouragers around who inspire me with things like...
a teenage son whose summer was measured by mission trips and volunteer hours instead of text messages and requests for cash...
...unexpected handcrafted thanks from the other side of the country...
...surprise gifts of family heirlooms from dear friends...
...one son drawing pictures for his brother...
...the sweet gift of a ring because my baby says I am a princess...
And what could be more encouraging than that?
(For some more uplifting ideas, please visit (In)Courage!)
Beth, I loved your perspective on this! I, too, can lean a bit toward the pessimist side. It's an intentional, God-driven choice every day to look to the good. And you helped me do so today. Thanks!