Friday, February 12, 2010

A Few More Good Words

I seem to be better at finding words that others have written than penning my own this week! These started my day with a smile:

"The Lord raises those who are bowed down; the Lord loves the righteous."
-Psalm 146:8

More from Charles Stanley:

God is aware of, concerned about, and involved in every area of need you have, great or small. Too often, however, we want to face and deal with only our external needs. We want God to provide a quick answer for us only in the tangible, material realm of life. To dig deeper into our neediness is something we perceive as painful, unnecessary, or too spiritual. God doesn't even agree with that approach....He is even more concerned about the needs that impact our very identity and our potential as human beings.

If these words resonate with you today, my prayer is that you have the courage to look inside, and meet with God about it. He'll listen, I promise :-)

Have a great, SNOW-FREE weekend!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Good Word - or several :-)

This is today's entry in my "God's Way Day by Day" calendar by Charles Stanley. It speaks to where I am right now, so I thought maybe it would speak to you, too.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who...has begotten us again to a living hope. 1 Peter 1:3

God desires that we develop in our talents, aptitudes, and ministry gifts every day of our lives. We should never stop practicing or stop learning, no matter how experienced and skilled we may become....God will not lead you to "become" something without aiding you to become the "best" you can possibly be in that area. He will not give you a talent and then fail to give you opportunities for discovering, using, developing, practicing, and perfecting it.

So there you have it - now let's get to work!!
Be blessed...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Behold the turtle. He only makes progress when he sticks his neck out."

-James Bryant Conant

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I got this in an email - VERY appropriate where I live!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Blessed in the Trials

This morning I opened my Bible and landed on Genesis 31, and found a few encouraging verses I hadn't paid much attention to before.

Here we land in the middle of the story of Jacob. At this point, he's been living with his wives and children, working for his father-in-law Laban for many years. Laban has lied to Jacob, cheated him, and basically tried to manipulate life in general for Jacob's family. Laban's family is in on the game, making matters worse.

This chapter is where God finally says, "OK Jacob - enough is enough. Take your family and go back to your homeland."

He didn't have to tell Jacob twice! He packed up the camels and headed out without even saying goodbye.

There's more to the story, but here's what I noticed this morning:

Jacob had spent MANY years working under Laban's thumb. No doubt, he was unhappy with the way he was treated. But he had stayed, true to his promise to work seven years per wife. God blessed him abundantly while he was there. What Laban intended for his own gain, God used to bless Jacob.

The lesson here is: it is possible to prosper in difficult circumstances. Fulfill your obligation, even if it's hard, and God will take care of you. Those hard times are what God uses to mature you and bring you closer to the abundant life He promises His children. And you never know - one day God just might surprise you and say, "That's enough. It's time to go now," and lead you to an even better place.

Can you see the blessings in your trials?


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