Monday, November 12, 2007

Real Thanks

November 11, 2007: I am thankful that I am a member of a church who practices acceptance, and not merely preaches it.

Our small group was just about to end in prayer when a stranger with a tattoo on his forehead asked timidly if he could join us. Without batting an eye, everyone at the table shook his hand, introduced themselves, and asked what prayers we could raise up for him.

A few moments later, our service began. The topic? Acceptance.

I truly believe that he felt accepted, both by us and by our Lord. He went to the front of the church and got on bended knee during the altar call. What did he pray? I don't know. But that gentleman felt God's hand on him, and witnessing it moved me to tears.

Thank you Lord, that he was able to find you here...

1 comment:

  1. One day, in our little SD church, a man came and asked if he could come in. He didn't want to leave his dog (big dog) in the cold and asked if the dog could come in also. We said yes! (the man was also intoxicated). During our 'welcome and greet your neighbors' time of the service, everyone went over to pet the dog. The man came a couple more times (always intoxicated but not with his dog) and then I don't remember ever seeing him again. Hopefully he felt some love and acceptance even while 'not all there'.


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