Friday, August 1, 2008

Guess what? I COOKED!!

Well, baked, actually. Same difference.

My thoughtful young teenager picked these for me behind his dad's house:

These were begging to be made into a cobbler, so that's just what I did. Here's a little photographic evidence, in case you don't believe that I was actually cooking:

2 cups of berries...

Melted butter...

A bowl full of batter...

Ready for the oven...

And...VOILA!! Blackberry Cobbler a la Ingersoll!

I'd give you the link to my recipe, but I wasn't totally happy with the way it turned out. I had to cook it nearly twice as long as the recipe called for to get my nice golden brown top, and the inside was still a bit gooey. I shoulda just called my mama for her recipe! :-) Good eats, right there.

Gooey or not, everyone got a big bowl, topped off with some extra churned vanilla bean ice cream:

So, how was it?

What do you think?? :-)

Here's hoping you find some good eats this weekend!!


  1. Yum! Wish I could have stopped in for a bite with you. :)

  2. I love blackberry cobbler, too. We were visiting my folks last weekend, and Mom had fixed one for us with the blackberries from their patch. Mmmmm good!! She sent a few home with me & I have been very good eating them -- sprinkled some splenda on them & have been eating them out of the fridge as snacks :)


So, what do you have to say?


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