Sunday, December 7, 2008

Winner of my Cafe Holiday Expo is....

LauraLee Shaw!!

LauraLee, please contact me with an email address so I can get your shipping information.


As a side note, I am leaving tomorrow on a business trip that will last through Thursday night. A friend/coworker will be accompanying me on our flights to and from New Jersey, limo rides (SQUEE!) and training sessions. I ask for your prayers for safe travel and good times!! (Especially for fun when we get to visit New York City for the first time on Wednesday!)

Don't hate me because I get an all expenses paid business trip. Sometimes I have to work Thanksgiving, Easter and Christmas Day to make up for it!

Anyway, I have scheduled a few posts to bore you entertain you in my absence. See you in a few days!!


  1. Wowzer! Thanks, I'm so excited!!!! my email is Thanks so much!!!!


So, what do you have to say?


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